Love, Family & Food

Love, Family & Food

Friday, January 27, 2012

CNY 2012

This year is another CNY. As usual, CNY can be boring and also exciting. The boring part is that nothing much we can do or go during CNY as most places will be closed or prices of food will be more expensive compared to before CNY. The most exciting part for me would be celebrating my baby boy's birthday yesterday. Although unexpectedly we had some small cold wars during the date, but fortunately we were fine the same night. I really doubted my value for him when we were having the cold wars and I asked him, "If I'm having something that you don't really like then why are you still loving me? I worth it?"

My heart melted when he told me, "That is for me to decide to love who and who is worth is and you are the one"

Although I was upset with the cold war on his birthday, but I was touched when he said I'm the one he's loving and worth it to him despite all my flaws...I will appreciate this...HAPPY BIRTHDAY again baby if you were reading this =)

Ok, here I just wanted to update or promote a skin remedy that I swear by to keep skin clear and blemish free (nearly blemish free). I've been trying this remedy for almost a month right now and I can swear to you that it made my skin clearer. Now, why I wanted to share? I've heard some of my cousins complaining of having bad complexion and breaking out recently. I heard that they've been switching skin care products but still not much improvement. I just hope this remedy can help anyone with skin problem to deal with it.

Yes, it's nothing but, instant plain oatmeal. The remedy I'm promoting is just to cleanse the face using instant oatmeal. If you skin is very problematic, red, inflamed and pimply, then use this remedy twice a day for cleansing. Believe me, after a week you can definitely see a difference. Check out this video to see how to use oatmeal to cleanse your skin:

So after using for a month or so, my skin is obviously clearer!

Camwhoring with a big sun glasses

Going out date with BF..

Ok, going out soon for visit. Update again next time!


Lai Peng

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